Here you will find the tools developed and presented in our studies.
Valdivia et al. 2023. A viscosity model of anhydrous and hydrous Stromboli basalt. Here is the viscosity calculator.

Are volcanic melts less viscous than we thought? The case of Stromboli basalt
An Excel calculator for calculating the viscosity of anhydrous and hydrous Stromboli melt is available in the Supporting Information.
Di Genova et al. 2023. A viscosity model of anhydrous and hydrous peridotite melt. Here is the viscosity calculator.

Viscosity of anhydrous and hydrous peridotite melts
An Excel calculator for calculating the viscosity of anhydrous and hydrous peridotite melt is available in the Supporting Information.
Langhammer et al. 2022. A global viscosity model. Here is the online viscosity calculator.

Modeling Viscosity of Volcanic Melts With Artificial Neural Networks
This interface allows the viscosity of a volcanic melt to be calculated using the chemical composition of the melt.
Langhammer et al. 2021. Single viscosity model for a single composition.

Modeling the Viscosity of Anhydrous and Hydrous Volcanic Melts
An Excel calculator for calculating the viscosity of volcanic melts is available in the Supporting Information. This tool is chemical composition independent, i.e. it provides the viscosity of a compositional domain from literature data for the same domain.